Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back in the Swing of Things

So school's back in session, and my break from posting is finally over! I think I needed a break from design and art for a few months, and I definitely took advantage of it. So far, the only class I've had that we've done something worth posting has been figure drawing, and we've only done two short poses. The first day was spent mostly on our instructor, Mr. Kortlander, telling us about the class and everything, and then a quick pose at the end of class which is located above. The drawing below I did in the first half of class today, then went to the Columbus Museum of Art to check out the George Tooker exhibition that's going on with everyone else. It was pretty amazing. I had no idea how detailed he actually gets with his egg tempera.

Anyhow, I'll have some actual illustration and design work posted in the coming weeks, and this year I'll definitely have more design than last. Package design was the only class I was taking last semester that was "design" oriented. This year, I'm taking both senior illustration and senior advertising and graphic design, so I've definitely got a work load ahead. I'm glad to be back up and posting, and hope you all enjoy!

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